Archive for January, 2012


January 21, 2012: The truth about Lemon Pepper: It has SALT in it

January 21, 2012

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Did you know that most Lemon Pepper seasoning you find in the grocery store has SALT in it? Even if it doesn’t explicitly state “salt” on the front label, read the back label and you will often find that salt is one of the main, if not the first, ingredient.

You must be careful to read labels and make sure that the seasoning you use, whether Lemon Pepper or other seasoning, states that it is Salt-Free or in the list of ingredients does not have any words such as salt or sodium.

When I cook, I prefer the taste of fresh lemons and ground pepper if I want to use Lemon Pepper. This way I know for sure that it is truly no salt added and whatever I cook has a great flavor. If you don’t have a fresh lemon on hand, keep TrueLemon ( available for seasoning along with pepper.

I happened to watch the Dr. Oz show last week and although I applaud the effort to include the DASH diet, which is low sodium, into his “Super Diet”; when discussing alternatives to adding salt, he made the common error of suggesting Lemon Pepper without the caution to read the list of ingredients to ensure that it is free of sodium. See:

I believe that all seasonings that contain salt should be labeled as such on the front label so that the customer cannot be taken advantage of, especially in the case of Lemon Pepper. It is a natural assumption to think that something called Lemon Pepper would be salt free. If you agree, call the manufacturer and express your opinion about the importance of truth and clarity in food & spice labeling.